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Writer's pictureA Moden Lifestyle

10 Tips to Living with POTS

I have lived with POTS for almost 10 years now. It truly is a debilitating chronic disorder but here are tips which have helped me. Unfortunately, there is not a one size fits all formula for managing the symptoms of postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS).  Just as each individual has a different combination of symptoms, each person has a unique response to treatment options. Some people respond very well to daily recumbent exercise, while for others dietary changes are more important. Talk with your doctor before making changes to your treatment regimen.

1. Increase the salt intake.

Water follows salt in the body. Making sure you have enough fluid in your system should help control symptoms. People with POTS really need salt in high quantities to retain water in their blood vessels which in turn elevates blood pressures to normal levels (or prevents it from falling when they stand).

Some aim to have daily salt intakes up to 10 grams (10,000 mg) to control their symptoms. 

I take 2 tablets of the salt tablet below with every meal daily.

2. Staying Hydtrated!

Individuals with POTS should be drinking AT LEAST 2-4 LITERS of water, milk, pedialyte, Gatorade, Propel etc. per day. When consuming that much salt, you MUST have fluids to accompany them to prevent dehydration.

I love the packs below because I can easily stick them in my work bag, purse, pocket, and car!

3. Small and frequent meals are better tolerated and reduce POTS symptoms. POTS also affects the digestive tract, so the stomach empties either too slowly or too quickly. Eating a large meal can thus cause a stomachache. A patient with POTS should, therefore, eat four to six smaller meals to reduce the chances of stomachache and increase their digestive system’s efficiency in absorbing nutrients. Mixing the food in a blender or processor can also make it easier to digest.

4. Diet with high fiber and complex carbohydrates may help reduce blood glucose (sugar) spikes and lessen POTS symptoms.Keep your nutrition balanced with protein, vegetables, dairy, and fruits.Beneficial salty snacks may include chicken or beef broth, vegetable broth, pickles, olives, salted fish like sardines/anchovies, and nuts. Don’t over-rely on snack chips and crackers for salt

5. Wear Compression Socks everyday- My favorite below! Fun & Cute patterns.

Compression support socks can be helpful for some POTS patients by lessening the peripheral venous pooling and hypotension

6. Exercise- I do Purebarre 3x a week a perfect workout for my POTS.

Researchers have found that exercise is even more effective at easing the symptoms of POTS than are beta blockers. A patient should gradually work up to 30 minutes of exercise five days a week by adding a minute or two to their workouts every two days.

Patients should avoid high-impact exercises like jogging or jumping rope, for these can actually make their symptoms worse. If they are just starting out, they should also avoid exercises that require standing. Patients with POTS should try recumbent exercises like rowing, riding a recumbent bike, or swimming. The last is especially beneficial for the cool water can relieve pain, and the water also puts pressure on the blood vessels that compresses them. Pilates and weight training can also help people with POTS.

7. Find Your Triggers POTS symptoms can be exacerbated by a variety of situations and activities. It's helpful to find out what exacerbates your symptoms so you can avoid or mitigate a flare-up and plan ahead. Mine happen to be dehydration, not sleeping, stress, and alcohol.

8. Elevate Head During Sleep It is recommended to slightly elevate the patient's head during sleep. This is done in order to help (re)condition the patient's body to orthostatic stress,6 and this can also help patients that may be experiencing gastric motility problems that result in acid reflux or G.E.R.D. The best way to do this is to raise the head of the bed with a few bricks or large books. A wedge pillow is not very helpful for this. Elevating the whole body and having the feet be lower than the hip area is needed to get the intended benefit. A wedge pillow only elevates the shoulders and head, but does nothing to change the position of the hips or the lower legs.

9. Look into FMLA-

I was granted FMLA so that I could use PTO without any job consequences. This really eased my anxiety and gave me job security. Your doctor specifies what he or she thinks you need. I personally can have 2 episodes a month lasting 1-2 days.

10. Use Technology

I just recently got an Apple Watch- and wow the difference! The watch tells me my HR and gives me notifications when it gets too high or too low. It also makes me feel better that the watch will apparently know when you fall and can call EMS if needed!

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